Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Please review how to make a blog.

Practice Post


This is a practice post to help get you started in posting on the our blog. We will be commenting on gender issues in our society weekly. You are required to post by Wednesday and reply to a least one post by Friday.

There have been several interesting newsmakers surrounding gender issues over the last few weeks. For instance, how about the recent story reported on Oprah about the first pregnant man. Check out a clip of the story of the first pregnant man . What are your thoughts on transgender and pregnancy? Thomas now a 32 year old man, was once a woman. He is now happily married to a woman and pregnant What implications does this have to society’s definition of childbirth, and family?

Check out the clip and practice posting any time now before class starts.
Any problems-email me.

Welcome to Gender and Communication Summer 1

Hi, Everyone!

Welcome to Gender and Communication (GND-311). We will be using this blog to contribute to our course discussions in Class Business. Class Business boards will be begin on Monday through Friday. Students must post once during the week and one reply is required to this discussion but notice will be taken to those who choose to post replies more often. Posts and replies due by the end of the day each Friday.

Class business will allow us to notice some of the many ways gender issues surface in the world in which we live. There is never enough time to include all of the interesting topics that arise from studying gender and communication. “Class business” will allow us to consider more of the ways gender issues pop up in our lives and experiences. As the course progresses, we will all be more aware of the power of gender and the prevalence of gender stereotypes. Readings, television programs, advertisements, classroom experiences, and our interactions with others, all provide fertile ground for material for “class business.” Please be willing to bring in examples for discussion. This discussion board encourages us to notice issues of communication gender and culture in the world around them. It allow students to extend the course beyond topics in the textbook and syllabus and relate theory and research to real life.

The world is our classroom to observe, question and discuss in these posts. Please critique and post your viewpoint/comments with your example.