Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Practice Post


This is a practice post to help get you started in posting on the our blog. We will be commenting on gender issues in our society weekly. You are required to post by Wednesday and reply to a least one post by Friday.

There have been several interesting newsmakers surrounding gender issues over the last few weeks. For instance, how about the recent story reported on Oprah about the first pregnant man. Check out a clip of the story of the first pregnant man . What are your thoughts on transgender and pregnancy? Thomas now a 32 year old man, was once a woman. He is now happily married to a woman and pregnant What implications does this have to society’s definition of childbirth, and family?

Check out the clip and practice posting any time now before class starts.
Any problems-email me.


Glenn said...

I'm not sure how to leave my blog address in your students address section. This is the first time I have ever set up a blog.


Glenn F

Charlene said...

I'm a first time user. I do not know how to add my blog address
to the student section.


Tiffany said...

here's my reply to the pregnant man


Glenn said...

I could not access Tiffany's comment. When I tried a message said I did not have shared access.

Glenn said...

Comment on Pregnant man. Some people say that they feel trapped in another genders body. A man inside a womens body or vice versa. Those people probably do have more genetic makeup for the gender they believe they should be and in those cases they would seem happier as the gender they prefer. A pregnant man seems very weird and extraordinary and it would be hard dealing with all the social issues that would surround that situation. I would think that person would need allot of support and counceling.

Tiffany said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tiffany said...

I changed my blog address so everyone can see the full the link. Sorry for the inconvenience. At least I changed it before the start of class! Sorry guys!


Dori A. said...

I agree with Glenn that society's reaction would require a lot of support for both the parents and the child.
However, for those of us women who have always said "if men had to have babies it wouldn't happen" we'll now have to eat our words!

Jenai F. said...

This is my first time blogging. I feel very confused.


Jennifer S said...

The concept of a man having a baby has been discussed and even portrayed in the media with movies like ‘Junior’. The reality of a transgender person giving birth is now one society will have to deal with. Thomas and his wife will have much more to deal with than traditional families with new babies as their situation is ground breaking. Situations that the first test tube babies or the first children born to lesbian couples may have endured may provide insight to them as to what they may encounter. Society’s definition of family has evolved especially in the last fifty years. If more transgender individuals chose to give birth, the definition of childbirth will have to do so as well.

John K said...

I have never set up or used a blog. I hope I am doing this correctly. My blog address is:

John K said...

Sorry. I'm trying this again. I inadvertantly typed my last name on the account. I went back to edit it. Hopefully it is correct now.

Suzanne B. said...

I'm blogging for the first time, and proud of it :) Finally...something on the computer my 16 year old doesn't know how to do!
p.s. I had to do some weird cache thing to be able to see the "word verification" below. Has anyone else had this problem?


Suzanne B. said...

As for the pregnant man...there are instincts inside each of us, that only we can feel and act upon-- or choose not to. Thomas said he always wanted to have a child-- this was part of a maternal instinct he had from when he was "Nancy". He didn't decide based on his gender whether or not he would have a child, he based it on his personal identity and the instinct to be a "mother". I think it's wonderful, because a child will be born unto a couple that otherwise would have remained childless and would have missed out on the miracle and unconditional love that comes from being a biological parent. Socially, people will only see the external genders the parents choose to display-- which, from the outside-- look like a mom and a dad. Society's expectations for their gender roles are already predetermined. So once the pregnancy is over, and the baby is born, this family will look like any other couple with a newborn. Society's vanity will be preserved, though mother nature knows better.

Terry said...

just another test.

Terry said...

I just set up my very first blog--I think.


??? said...

This man was once a woman who had a sex change and is now pregnant. I do not find that so hard to believe considering he had the genetic make up as a female originally. The implications on society will be shocking to society since this is a first.

Lakisha T said...

I feel sorry for the unborn child as well as the parents. Initially this child is not going to have to worry about anything but as time moves on and the media keeps at it, this childs life will be followed. This child's name, address, school etc will be leaked to the public and they will always want to know what this child is doing etc. I personally think this is going to make the child look at his/her parents in an ill way. I think each person should do their own thing in life but I dont think a man having a baby is sending the correct message to society. All I can say is WHAT'S NEXT??

Jason said...

As i wrote in my blog, I am more worried about the child then the parents. This child will grow up confused knowing that both her parents are females. I do not see this as a pregnant man giving birth because she was a woman and still has her females parts that allow her to give birth. Outside she shows some men characteristics but in the end it is still two women having a baby. The difference now a child may fall victim to our society and wonder if the child is a boy or a girl. Only time will tell in the next 10 years or so