Thursday, May 28, 2009

Prof. M's Eureka Moment Week #2

Everyone did nicely for an opening post and comment on the class blog. Our individual blogs are now up and running. My Eureka moments come from beginning to be conscious of the little things that I take for granted everyday. My daughter is three years old and attends daycare. The toys in the classroom are played by both the boys and girls regardless if our society has placed the title of a "girl toy" or "boy toy" on them. My daugher loves playing with the dinosaurs and the computer games like Diego. She will pick up a puzzle that is about trucks and cars. She plays with the dolls and the supermarket too, but, doesn't limit herself to "girl toys". She sees the fun in all toys. I have noticed some little boys playing with the girls in the supermarket or puppet theater. There are no gender expectations put on these children. The children have free time in the morning and afternoon and are free to play with whatever toys they choose. What is these expectations weren't defined for children later on by their parents, teachers, televisions shows? Would more females explore current male dominatd professions and vice versa? And, how would relaxing these expectations change so much of our current gender communication? Would men express emotions differently than they do now? Would more women seek out leadership opportunities? Or, be more assertive in situations? Hmmmmm...........

Friday, May 15, 2009

Eureka Moment

Gender Communication - Summer 2009 GND311 OL

Welcome to Gender and Communication. I am looking forward to reading your posts each week. We will be using this blog each week in our course to make the connection from our course studies to the "real world:". We will be posting each week our "Eureka Moments". Those moments that we realize a new perspective, recognize a gender issue is occurring in our life. This could be as simple as recognizing your language in a conversation at work to noticing something in a movie or reading something in the newspaper. It could be something that you recognize based on our class reading. Any time that you can create a link to your Eureka Moment to another web site or news site or dress up the blog with an embedded image would be great. If you aren't a technology wizard, that's okay too. Find the right words to create an image or feeling that other student readers can relate to when they read your post. So, I have created a sample of a post. We will use the class blog to post this week. Go to the bottom of this blog and you will find the word comments. Click on it and it will bring up a comment box. Share your Eureka moment. Then, click post. I want this blog to start you to be a more in each moment or more aware to pay attention to all the gender issues that are in our life each and every day that before now have gone unnoticed. Take the opportunity in this blog to start paying more attention to gender communication in all it's forms in our world today.